A tribute to the greatest little helper in the world

Thursday, June 15, 2006

contest time :-)

It is time for the first annual "poetry of worship"-contest, better known as the POW.

All contributions are welcome, all though I do owe it to say that any contributions deemed unworthy of Troelses greatness will result in persecusion, torture and... you guessed it, death!
Its not to be elitist, but we do have to keep a certain standard, im sure you will agree.
Anyway, do not let that discourage you. just scrible away and keep you little fingers crossed.

All poems, haikus, pieces of origami and the like can be send to bomag812@hotmail.com

The grand price for the greatest piece of art is nothing short of amazing.

The winner will get to spend all day (or at least till the end of normal business hours) in the divine precens of Troels himself...

So what are you waiting for?

Get to work!


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